Unable to install the newest requestpolicy 1.0.beta14.0.2464.r87523672 in Firefox 60.0.2
Closed this issue · 2 comments
Read first: https://requestpolicycontinued.github.io/Contributing
Browser and Add-ons:
- Browser: e.g. 60.2.0
- RequestPolicy version: e.g. 1.0.beta12.4
- Other add-ons:
- Language tool 1.0.46
- Mute tab 0.1.0
- Treestyle tab - 2.5.4
RequestPolicy settings:
- Default policy: "deny"
I have been unable to install the new addon on the new firefox .
On firefox I get this on the console -
I dunno if it has to do firefox or due to installation or something else -
[Parent 14959, Gecko_IOThread] WARNING: pipe error: Broken pipe: file /build/firefox-esr-XulgD0/firefox-esr-60.2.0esr/ipc/chromium/src/chrome/common/ipc_channel_posix.cc, line 709
Another thing to note, while building requestpolicy I got the following error messages on the console -
~/games/requestpolicy$ make
npm install
npm WARN requestpolicy No repository field.
npm WARN requestpolicy No license field.
up to date in 20.465s
touch node_modules/.timestamp_packages
/home/shirish/games/requestpolicy/node_modules/.bin/gulp xpi:nightly
[10:29:01] Using gulpfile ~/games/requestpolicy/gulpfile.js
[10:29:01] Starting 'clean:legacy:nightly'...
[10:29:01] Starting 'versionData:uniqueVersionSuffix'...
[10:29:01] Finished 'versionData:uniqueVersionSuffix' after 211 ms
[10:29:01] Starting 'versionData:uniqueVersion'...
[10:29:01] Finished 'versionData:uniqueVersion' after 66 μs
[10:29:01] Starting 'buildData:legacy:nightly:preprocessContext'...
[10:29:01] Finished 'buildData:legacy:nightly:preprocessContext' after 69 ms
[10:29:01] Finished 'clean:legacy:nightly' after 288 ms
[10:29:01] Starting 'build:legacy:nightly:copiedFiles'...
[10:29:01] Starting 'build:legacy:nightly:xmlTypePreprocessedFiles'...
[10:29:01] Starting 'build:legacy:nightly:jsTypePreprocessedFiles'...
[10:29:01] Starting 'build:legacy:nightly:js:main'...
[10:29:01] Starting 'build:legacy:nightly:js:embedded-we'...
[10:29:02] Finished 'build:legacy:nightly:xmlTypePreprocessedFiles' after 1.01 s
[10:29:02] Finished 'build:legacy:nightly:js:embedded-we' after 1.06 s
[10:29:03] Finished 'build:legacy:nightly:jsTypePreprocessedFiles' after 1.98 s
[10:29:03] Finished 'build:legacy:nightly:copiedFiles' after 2.17 s
[10:29:05] Finished 'build:legacy:nightly:js:main' after 4.3 s
[10:29:05] Starting 'build:legacy:nightly'...
[10:29:05] Finished 'build:legacy:nightly' after 80 μs
[10:29:05] Starting 'xpi:legacy:nightly'...
[10:29:06] Finished 'xpi:legacy:nightly' after 192 ms
[10:29:06] Starting 'xpi:nightly'...
[10:29:06] Finished 'xpi:nightly' after 19 μs
FWIW, I am using npm 5.8.0 which my distribution provides while upstream is at 6.4.1
Also FWIW, xp install signatures option was toggled to false before trying to install the new version -
I tried even a new test profile and did the changes in about:config but came with the same error.
P.S. - Browser console gives me the following errors -
SyntaxError: "0"-prefixed octal literals and octal escape sequences are deprecated; for octal literals use the "0o" prefix instead[Learn More] addonsInfo.js:91:66
Contract ID '@mozilla.org/toolkit/addonsInfo-clh;1' was registered as a command line handler for entry 'a-addons-info', but could not be created.
1537168433571 addons.webextension.{95c22bd8-268a-4956-9969-c7e9ba2865a9} WARN Please specify whether you want browser_style or not in your browser_action options.
Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. tree-structure.js:144:3
Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. tree.js:572:25
Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. tree-structure.js:253:3
Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. background.js:124:3
Error: Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. tab-context-menu.js:60:9
No matching message handler for the given recipient. MessageChannel.jsm:912
1537168455429 addons.xpi WARN disabling legacy extension rpcontinued@non-amo.requestpolicy.org
1537168456506 addons.xpi WARN disabling legacy extension rpcontinued@non-amo.requestpolicy.org
1537168456517 addons.xpi WARN disabling legacy extension rpcontinued@non-amo.requestpolicy.org
You made a detailed report, that's good! Still, you're reporting a known mayor issue. I'm sorry about this, but RPC currently only supports SeaMonkey and PaleMoon. Firefox 57+ noy yet. The issue is #704.
I am guessing the same issue plagues the new 1.0.beta14.1.2485.r6d27d1e5.pre.xpi version as well.
FWIW, the sha1sum of the newly built extension is -
$ sha1sum 1.0.beta14.1.2485.r6d27d1e5.pre.xpi
9cb4fcf1b1fe868269e4eec80ab8f9be544a2b80 1.0.beta14.1.2485.r6d27d1e5.pre.xpi