
geoplot function would not work for me

Closed this issue · 1 comments

I installed the optional dependencies then used the same data from #51. I passed it to the geoplot function examples from the README and these are the outputs.



I don't do much geospatial dataviz in Python, so it's possible I'm missing another dependency or have a bad setting. Please let me know what package versions you would like to know, if that information is useful.

It's quite possible that this is because geoplot is simply broken. It was never very well utilized, and hence, not terrifically well-maintained.

The timeline here is that after implementing this method experimentally in this package, I went and implemented a more general method, aggplot, in a package I published last January called geoplot. That method is vastly better tested, and I believe also has significantly better performance characteristics. I also have not personally seen any uses of this geospatial plotting method "in the wild".

After thinking about this some, I decided to throw out the current geoplot method body and replace it with a thin interface to geoplot.aggplot. The existing methodology is a maintenance burden, aggplot provides a better implementation, and I doubt this will cause much user disruption. It's a backwards-incompatible change, but all things considered I'm comfortable making it.

The new method is now implemented. Let me know if you have any issues with it.

Closing this issue out, issues on the rewritten method should go to a new issue.