
fixture reader can't open file

pratamawijaya opened this issue · 2 comments

i'm trying running test with
flutter test
but it show error

 fromJson should return a valid model when the JSON number is an integer [E]
FileSystemException: Cannot open file, path = 'test/fixtures/trivia.json'
(OS Error: No such file or directory, errno = 2)
 dart:io  File.readAsStringSync 
fixtures/fixture_reader.dart 3:60                                       fixture
features/number_trivia/data/models/number_trivia_model_test.dart 26:25  main.<fn>.<fn>

If someone has the same problem:
it looks like only VSCode can find the file path of the test file.
If you're using a different editor, fix the file fixture_reader.dart like so:

import 'dart:io';

String fixture(String name) {
   var dir = Directory.current.path;
   if (dir.endsWith('/test')) {
     dir = dir.replaceAll('/test', '');
   return File('$dir/test/fixtures/$name').readAsStringSync();

More information on this GitHub issue.