
About entity issues

Jay-57blocks opened this issue · 0 comments

I read your article
Entity: The business objects of the application, they are the least likely to change when external things change
Model: Inherit and extend Domain layer Entity, realize json conversion and more needs

Generally speaking, business requirements have some additional fields, such as isSelected and isComplete, which are related to UI state
I don't know whether these attributes are placed in the Domain layer or in the Presentation layer to create a new model

I am very confused and hope to wait for your reply



class QuestionEntitie {
  final int id;
  final String category;
  final String question;

 /// Should it be declared here?
  final bool isSelected;
  final bool isComplete;

OR Presentation:

class QuestionItem {
  final QuestionEntitie item
  /// or declare here ?
  final bool isSelected;
  final bool isComplete;


class QuestionModel extends QuestionEntitie {
    required super.category,
    required super.question,

  factory QuestionModel.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> json) {
    return QuestionModel(
      id: json['id'],
      category: json['category'],
      question: json['question'],