
Rendering CSS and other archives

Closed this issue · 12 comments

I include a archive HTML direct so:

$r3->any('/produtos/*', function($id){

  <!-- code -->   

   include 'views/produtos.tpl'; 

This archive HTML makes an include in archive CSS

However when I pass a URL with some parameter have that include '../' in path of the CSS archive.

How can solve this?

I'm not sure if I got what's happening. You're getting trouble loading CSS when you use parameters? Can you show us a simplified example of the HTML that causes that issue?


Follows a example:


$r3->any('/products', function ($id) {

    include 'views/products.tpl';


<?php include 'header.tpl'; ?>
<div id="page_products">

<?php include 'footer.tpl'; ?>

header.tpl The header archive is included in all pages HTML

<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/default.css" />
<title>Title of the document</title>

If I access the page so:


Rendering normally.

If I pass the parameter in URL


Not loading the CSS.

It Is alright include my archives direct so in controller?
Or has a best form of making so? Can be this the problem.

Thanks for the trouble!

Try this:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/default.css" />

I've added a single / before the css/default.css path to make it absolute. Also, for a path declared as /produtos/*, the parameter should be passed as /produtos/2 instead of /produtos/id=2.

Let me know if that works for you. If don't, I can set up a more complete example!

Not worked. =(
I had already tried to put the path absolute, but not works.
Ok, I changed the way of passed the parameter, continues not works.

For clarity follow my directory structure and instance of Respect\Rest\Router:

        index.php // This router archive
$r3 = new Router('/app/public');

Thank you again!

If I am following the problem is that you are not getting the id=2 parameter. If that is correct then maybe fix the URL:

What you supplied:


This does not pass and id parameter instead it will be looking for a router definition:

/** or */

If you change it to:


The route handler for /products will be called and you will now be able to retrieve the argument id in php with:

$id = $_GET['id'];

Does that answer your question and cause happiness all around? =)

Another way to get the $id as per your example.

$r3->any('/products', function ($id) {

    include 'views/products.tpl';
$r3->any('/products/*', function ($id) {

    include 'views/products' . $id . '.tpl';

The addition of the * is required to get the function parameter for $id if I recall. Which will be populated wit the string value 2 when called from an example url like this.


Make sense?

Make sense yes!

The ID parameter, I'm getting normally.
The problem is loading of archive CSS.

I did a test passing the following URL:


So loads the CSS file!

But if I put a "/ " in URL






Not loads my file CSS, for this page.

Did I implemented something wrong?

I tried to pass the path absolute how the Alganet spoke, but not works.

Thanks for the trouble!

if you change the route to:

$r3->any('/products/*', function ($id=null) {
    if (!is_null($id)) {
         /** then $id has the value of the 2nd part of the url 14 for /products/14 */
    /** this route will also work for /products?id=14 /products/?id=14 actually */
    /** even /products/anything-else?id=14 if you get the parameter from the request */
    $id = $_REQUEST['id']; // or $_GET or $_POST

    // /products/id=14 is not a valid URI I am afraid.

Happiness? =)

Still does not load the CSS with this route:


Do not wanted using this URL:


so to load CSS.

Got it?

Ahhh I think I know what the problem is try change the header.tpl referencing the stylesheet as

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/css/default.css" />

Then it wil find the stylesheet based on your document root regardless of the url calling the page.

Is that what the problem is?

That! is this the problem.

I put:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/public/css/default.css" />

but still not load the css.

It only works with absolute path, eg:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

Thank you again!

a path starting with / is considered an absolute path, I think you have a problem with webserver or perhaps hostname configuration. There is a .htaccess declaration that may address the problem. Let me know if you want me to look into it but if you're happy with that, glad you got it working. =)