
Uploads timing out with Advanced Image Compression enabled

Wilto opened this issue · 9 comments

Wilto commented

Running into an issue when uploading some image files:


No specific PHP error is thrown, but the upload times out calling posterizeImage in the ImageMagick extension. It also only seems to be happening on larger images—specifically larger than 1200x600. Any chance this rings a bell for anyone? @nwtn? I know PHP has a global timeout for transfers, but I’m guessing posterizeImage being called means we’re past that point.

Test images that reproduce the issue are at

cc @daigofuji

nwtn commented

It could definitely be legit timing out on ImageMagick if the machine is slow or the image is big enough. PHP and Apache both have memory limits and timeout limits for processing, so you may be hitting up against those. If you have control over the config, increasing those limits could help.

Here is the error we get:

[Mon Aug 17 17:40:40.381452 2015] [:error] [pid 13871] [client :59114] 
PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 1000 seconds exceeded in 
 on line 59, referer:

I believe this is related to issues #116 and #132. Since we've identified the issue best on this ticket, I'm going to close the others and we can keep the rest of the conversation going here.

@nwtn do you think there are some settings we could come up with that would give us most of the image savings and require less memory? Like maybe we experiment with your settings minus optimizations, as you outlined in your Smashing Mag article. What do you think?

Any update here @nwtn?

Wilto commented


I'm not using the advanced image compression and also get the error. Running on a WP Engine server and would be happy to provide any more info I might be able to.
screen shot 2015-12-03 at 8 38 27 am

Having the same problem, each time I try to upload an image I get an error in PHP log:

[17-Dec-2015 17:53:00 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/class-respimg.php on line 53
[17-Dec-2015 17:56:19 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/class-respimg.php on line 53
[17-Dec-2015 17:58:06 UTC] PHP Fatal error:  Maximum execution time of 120 seconds exceeded in /srv/wordpress/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ricg-responsive-images/class-respimg.php on line 53

The uploader finally says "HTTP error" and after refresh I get a general icon in the media section:


Spent some time profiling uploads with these settings and it looks like the memory issues are related tot he posterization settings that are being applied. After looking back through @nwtn's old test data it looks like those settings really only benefit PNGs and can actually create slightly larger file sizes when applied to JPG images.

Try commenting out this line in the smartResize() method in 'class-respimg.php' and see if the memory errors go away:

$this->posterizeImage( 136, false );