Integration with Frontend (Frontend Tasks to Integrate with Backend Apis)
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Create a website with signup button
->onClick an appliaction form will be appered (Fillable inputs [first_name, last_name, email, phone, designation, detailed_address, state, city, country, shop_name, number_of_branches, cusine])
->onSubmit form will be stored in Application List -
Create a login and signup panel for staff portal.
After login redirect to the staff dashboard
->This dashboard will contain total number of applications, number of partnership on process, number of active partners, number of rejected applications.
->latest 5 applications
->onClick show the detailed view of an application
->Graph of application ratio based on week and month -
ApplicationList menu
->onClick show a table with list of all applications along with view, edit and delete buttons.
->onClick view button of an application it will redirect to application details page. This page will contain a dropdown to change the status of an application.
->onClick edit button of an application it will redirect to application Edit page with a form cointaining the information in the input fields. This page will hold an update button.
->onClick delete button of an application it will show a pop up with confirmation. -
PartnerList menu
->onClick show a table with list of partners along with view, edit and delete buttons. A createPartner button should be placed on the top right corner of the table.
->onClick createPartner button it will show a form. (Fillable inputs [first_name, last_name, email, phone, detailed_address, state, city, country, shop_name])
->onSubmit this form data will be appeared in the partnerList.
->onClick view button it will show all the details of a partner.
->onClick edit button it will show a form to Edit a partner details. This page will hold an update button.
->onClick delete button of an application it will show a pop up with confirmation. -
Country menu
->onClick show a table with list of Countries in a table. -
Cusine menu
->onClick show a table with list of cusines in a table. -
ShopType menu
->onClick show a table with list of ShopType in a table. -
ShopList menu
->onClick show a table with list of shops along with edit and delete buttons. A createShop button should be placed on the top right corner of the table.
->onClick createShop button it will show a form. (Fillable inputs [shop_type, name, owner, image]). Use select2 to select the Partner name as an owner.
->onSubmit this form data will be appeared in the ShopList.
->onClick edit button it will show a form in popup window to Edit a shop details.
->onClick delete button it will show a popup with confirmation. -
ShopBranch menu
->onClick show a table with list of ShopBranch along with view, edit and delete buttons. A createShopBranch button should be placed on the top right corner of the table.
->onClick createShopBranch button it will show a form. (Fillable inputs [shop(Use select2), menu(Use select2), category(Use select2), title(Label will be Branch Name), street_address, region, city, postal_code, state, country, latitude, longitude(use map), eta_rang, description, opening_time, closing_time])
->onSubmit this form data will be appeared in the ShopBranchList.
->onClick view button it will show all the details of a ShopBranch.
->onClick edit button it will show a form to Edit a ShopBranch details. This page will hold an update button.
->onClick delete button it will show a pop up with confirmation.