
When closing the incident send the timeline (state) to those involved

danielleqa opened this issue · 7 comments

Feature Description

When closing the incident channel through the command @bot-name close, the channel participants should receive the incident timeline.

Can you put more details? What is the problem? What is the expected result?

Maybe we should send the same return form /hellper_status as a private message to the incident commander

Also, we should do this on the /hellper_resolve command, not close

I have edited the first comment to fit in our documentation template, also translated to English.

Maybe we should send the same return form /hellper_status as a private message to the incident commander

I agree with this. Then, we should put the return of hellper_status in the Post Mortem Document. What do you think about it? We can replace the it in the document after each /hellper_status in the channel? Just an idea.

I agree, but I think we can have a separate issue for it, they are different problems.

I could not understand the problem, or would it be only an improvement?
Maybe, we could only display the status automatically in the channel when the incident is closed or resolved, maybe pinning the commander.
However, I still not see the problem hehehe.

Indeed, the idea of sending the status automatically to the PostMortem Doc looks like a great idea. Also, I think it is another problem and it shall be discussed in another issue though.