
SnipeAgent - How to import user's Hardware components and licenses as well

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Dear team,

First of all. Excelent work with this Agent.
It worked just fine.

Now. I do have an inquiry.
I kinda need, not only the client's notebook info slide ( wich loads the Manufacturer, Category, model and so forth ) info into my snipe-it, but also it's hardware components (Disks, RAM cards, Processor) and the user's current licenses (This one could be optional tho).

This is mandatory for me and my team, 'cause we're gonna have to deploy this agent all through the organization.

I understand this is all opensource and I can dive in and get into the import config.
Still. A guideline from you would help me out big.

Please advice. I remain attentive.
Best regards,

did you find any solution ?