
as incorrectly handles immediate in "addu reg, reg, immediate"

alexfru opened this issue · 12 comments

I had this in assembly code generated by Smaller C:

    addu    $2, $2, 45904

GNU as turned it into:

    7f0080e0:   3401b350        li      at,0xb350
    7f0080e4:   00411021        addu    v0,v0,at

Our as did this instead:

    7f0080e0:   2442b350        addiu   v0,v0,-19632

Simple test to reproduce:

# cat >addiu.c
unsigned n = 0x123;

int main(void)
  printf("n = 0x%08X\n", n);
  asm("la   $2, n");
  asm("lw   $3, 0($2)");
  asm("addu $3, $3, 0xC000");
  asm("sw   $3, 0($2)");
  printf("n = 0x%08X\n", n);

# libexec/smlrc addiu.c addiu.s

# cc addiu.s -o addiu

# ./addiu 
n = 0x00000123
n = 0xFFFFC123

Expected output:

n = 0x00000123
n = 0x0000C123

I'm guessing, other instructions can be similarly affected. "subu reg, reg, imm" is affected.

Since addu $t,$s,imm is not a real instruction but a macro there's no telling what the "best" way of doing it is.

addiu $t,$s,imm is perfectly valid as long as imm is correct. I guess the problem here isn't the fact that it's using addiu but that the immediate value is being supplied as a signed value instead of an unsigned one, which I guess is the fault of the macro expansion in the assembler.

By the way, addiu is: Adds a register and a sign-extended immediate value and stores the result in a register

It looks like li is a macro as well since it's not listed as an instruction, so that may expand out to something like ori $t, $zero, imm which is guaranteed to treat the immediate value as a raw binary value instead of a signer or unsigned arithmetic value. As a macro it may even expand it further to:

lui $t, %hi{imm}
ori $t, $t, %lo{imm}

I know, it's a macro. addiu behaves the same as addu in this case, I checked. The value of the immediate simply isn't examined here.

if ((type & FRD1) && (type & FRS2)) {
    /* Three-operand instruction used with literal operand.
     * Convert it to immediate type. */
    unsigned newop;
    switch (opcode & 0xfc0007ff) {
    case 0x00000020: newop = 0x20000000; break; // add -> addi
    case 0x00000021: newop = 0x24000000; break; // addu -> addiu   <------ HERE IT CHANGES THE OP-CODE
    case 0x00000024: newop = 0x30000000; break; // and -> andi
    case 0x00000025: newop = 0x34000000; break; // or -> ori
    case 0x0000002a: newop = 0x28000000; break; // slt -> slti
    case 0x0000002b: newop = 0x2c000000; break; // sltu -> sltiu
    case 0x00000022: newop = 0x20000000;        // sub -> addi, negate
                     negate_literal = 1; break;
    case 0x00000023: newop = 0x24000000;        // subu -> addiu, negate
                     negate_literal = 1; break;
    case 0x00000026: newop = 0x38000000; break; // xor -> xori
        uerror ("bad rt register");
    ungetlex (clex, cval);
    cval = (opcode >> 11) & 31;         /* get 1-st register */
    newop |= cval << 16;                /* set 1-st register */
    newop |= opcode & (31 << 21);       /* set 2-nd register */
    opcode = newop;
    goto foff16;

It's doing a simple 1:1 op-code replacement. It should really be doing it in a more complex and signed number friendly way really. The replacement op-code has a third operand type of FOFF16 - that is /* 16-bit relocatable offset */ It uses the getexpr() function to get the value to use for the third operand.

I don't know if any of that is of any help...

Yep, I've seen that place. All such ALU instructions truncate the immediate to 16 bits:

unsigned n = 0x123;

int main(void)
  printf("n = 0x%08X\n", n);
  asm("la   $2, n");
  asm("lw   $3, 0($2)");
  asm("addu $3, $3, 0xC000");
  asm("sw   $3, 0($2)");
  printf("n + 0xC000 = 0x%08X\n", n);
  asm("la   $2, n");
  asm("lw   $3, 0($2)");
  asm("subu $3, $3, 0xC000");
  asm("sw   $3, 0($2)");
  printf("n - 0xC000 = 0x%08X\n", n);
  asm("la   $2, n");
  asm("lw   $3, 0($2)");
  asm("ori  $3, $3, 0x1111C000");
  asm("sw   $3, 0($2)");
  printf("n | 0x1111C000 = 0x%08X\n", n);
  static char s1[] = "a";
  static char* p1 = s1 + 32768;
  static char* p2 = s1 + 65536;
  printf("s1 @ 0x%08X, s1+32768 @ 0x%08X, s1+65536 @ 0x%08X\n", s1, p1, p2);
  n = 0;
  printf("n = 0x%08X\n", n);
  asm("la   $2, n");
  asm("lw   $3, 0($2)");
  asm("xori $3, $3, 0x11111111");
  asm("sw   $3, 0($2)");
  printf("n ^ 0x11111111 = 0x%08X\n", n);


# ./addiu
n = 0x00000123
n + 0xC000 = 0xFFFFC123
n - 0xC000 = 0x00000123
n | 0x1111C000 = 0x0000C123
s1 @ 0x7F00C42B, s1+32768 @ 0x7F01442B, s1+65536 @ 0x7F01C42B
n = 0x00000000
n ^ 0x11111111 = 0x00001111

So, it looks like there's a chunk of code missing.

Yeah, it should really be loading the whole value into a register (lui + ori) then working with that value - that way it deals with the entire 32-bits, not just the lower 16-bits.

Well, it's actually a mismatch in expectations. GCC generally avoids using macro instructions (except LI and LA). To keep assembler compact, I intended to implement only absolutely required features. I understand that for SmallerC or manually written code it would be better to have some reasonable set of macros supported. Fixed in 51a8fd3

Followup: babef28

Yeah, see another code comment, there's incorrect range check.

More fixes in 0588042


There's still a minor defect. ".set at" doesn't appear to be the default setting (I've sent you an e-mail about it earlier). Because of that one can get an error from as when assembing something like "addu $2, $2, 33333" since the constant is too big and the at register is disallowed, but required.

Assembler mode ".set at" enabled by default in 2395d5a