
lr-scummvm experimental package fails to build (x86)

bingo1105 opened this issue · 8 comments

It looks like there is some active development on this package, as the build script references a git "master" branch that no longer exists. There is, however, a "main" branch. I tried to modify the script to reference this new branch but was still unsuccessful in getting it to compile. I'm guessing this is a simple fix...

cmitu commented

If fails to build on all platforms, no just for PC.

The main repository has been re-organized and the build process changed entirely. I was waiting for the build to stabilize before changing the scriptmodule. Maybe the time is now.

cmitu commented

@bingo1105 can you update your RetroPie-Setup script and try building again the ScummVM libretro core ? The build should work now.

@cmitu Updated my installation, package built successfully. Thanks very much for the quick turnaround...

edit: Sorry, I spoke too soon. The build finishes, but the script exits with the following error during installation:

Could not successfully install ScummVM port for libretro (/home/bingo/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/build/lr-scummvm/ not found). builds and is copied to the destination as expected, but the tmp build directory does not contain the file referenced above. Please let me know if you would like me to submit logs to help troubleshoot.

cmitu commented

Upload the last part of the build log on and post the link.

@cmitu The relevant part of the log output should be here:

Everything above that point appears normal to me. If you need more logging detail, please let me know.

cmitu commented

I don't get that failure, so there's probably something that's missing on your system - zip, or wget ?
Can you run:

cd $HOME/RetroPie-Setup/tmp/build/lr-scummvm
sudo ./ bundle

and post the output ?

@cmitu Ugh, you're right, missing zip package. Thank you!

cmitu commented

Yes, I assumed as much. Seems we don't add zip as a base requirements for RetroPie (just unzip).
We'll add it as a dependency, thanks for testing.