
scummvm unable to change extrapath

voggur opened this issue · 3 comments

I had alot of confusion why extrapath parameter was always resetting to the default parameter.
In this is hard-coded will causes scummvm to reset this parameter.
My problems was solved be editing the
$md_inst/bin/scummvm --fullscreen --joystick=0 --extrapath="$md_inst/extra" "\$game"
$md_inst/bin/scummvm --fullscreen --joystick=0 "\$game"
I suggest updating this coed as this is already set in scummvm.ini and should not be necessary and could cause user confusion.

That's a good point, but scummvm.ini doesn't exist before a 1st run and there's no default location in scummvm for extrapath. Right now it only contains the virtual keyboard assets - what your use case for choosing a different extrapath ?

I have my folder set to "~/RetroPie/roms/scummvm/scummvm-extra/"

  1. for ease access to add files like MT-32 emulation and soundfont.
  2. Some of this files like .sf2 can be large and "roms" directory is smb mounted to my file-server.

@voggur we removed the hardcoded --extrapath in #3751, it should make it easier for user to choose their own folder without being overridden by scummvm's start-up script.

Thank you for raising this up.