
Using SimulateLatency/SimulatePacketLoss

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This is a help/support question.

Hi there! I'm having a great time learning about networking with this library. Thank you!

I'm trying to use SimulateLatency and SimulatePacketLoss but I'm not noticing any change in behaviour when those are turned on. The docs say they only work in DEBUG mode, but I'm not sure what that means. Adding #define DEBUG to my own project doesn't seem to help. Is DEBUG mode a LiteNetLib compile-time flag? Do I need to compile the dll myself instead of using the nuget version?

Sorry if this is a basic C# question; I'm still learning. :)

Library version: 1.2.0 via nuget
Framework: MonoGame
OS: Windows

Yeah it does seem like these features only work when compiling LiteNetLib itself as Debug. This seems unnecessary IMO and I personally think this functionality has no reason not to work in Release mode as well.

@JamDoggie it slowdowns library much, because there additional checks and lists that contains delayed packets. Use Clumsy to test release