TypeError: can't define property "__indexColor": Object is not extensible
anyuruf opened this issue · 1 comments
anyuruf commented
Trying to use Next relay data to feed to my react-force-graph2d following Will's tutorial https://lyonwj.com/blog/graph-visualization-with-graphql-react-force-graph. And no errors with static data in the page but log " TypeError: can't define property "__indexColor": Object is not extensible " in the browser.
'use client';
import { withRelay } from 'relay-nextjs';
import { getClientEnvironment } from '../lib/client-environment';
import { RelayProps, graphql, usePreloadedQuery } from "react-relay";
import node, { pages_GetNodesQuery as pages_GetNodesQueryType } from "../queries/__generated__/pages_GetNodesQuery.graphql";
import Spinner from 'react-bootstrap/Spinner';
import Container from 'react-bootstrap/Container';
import Row from 'react-bootstrap/Row';
import Col from 'react-bootstrap/Col';
import UserProfile from 'components/user-profile';
import dynamic from 'next/dynamic';
import { useState } from 'react';
const ForceGraph2D = dynamic(() => import('../lib/force.module'), {
ssr: false
const pages_GetNodesQuery = graphql`
query pages_GetNodesQuery {
nodes {
function HomePage({ preloadedQuery }: RelayProps<{}, pages_GetNodesQueryType>) {
const data = usePreloadedQuery(pages_GetNodesQuery, preloadedQuery);
return (
<Col md={9}>
<ForceGraph2D graphData={data} />;
<Col md={3}>
<UserProfile />
function Loading() {
return (
<Spinner animation="border" variant="primary" role="status">
<span className="visually-hidden">Loading...</span>
export default withRelay(HomePage, pages_GetNodesQuery, {
// Fallback to render while the page is loading.
// This property is optional.
fallback: <Loading />,
// Create a Relay environment on the client-side.
// Note: This function must always return the same value.
createClientEnvironment: () => getClientEnvironment()!,
/* serverSideProps: async (ctx) => {
// This is an example of getting an auth token from the request context.
// If you don't need to authenticate users this can be removed and return an
// empty object instead.
const { getTokenFromCtx } = await import('lib/server/auth');
const token = await getTokenFromCtx(ctx);
if (token == null) {
return {
redirect: { destination: '/login', permanent: false },
return { token };
}, */
// Server-side props can be accessed as the second argument
// to this function.
createServerEnvironment: async (
// The object returned from serverSideProps. If you don't need a token
// you can remove this argument.
// { token }: { token: string }
) => {
const { createServerEnvironment } = await import('../lib/server-environment');
return createServerEnvironment();
Help highly appreciated
anyuruf commented
This post help come with two solutions https://stackoverflow.com/questions/40089181/is-there-any-way-to-reverse-or-undo-the-preventextensions-function:
1- const graphData - JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)); 2- obj = Object.assign({}, obj);