
Mixed success

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Trying to use the ismart-api-cli username password I initially get a The account is not registered. response. After some looking around I notice that the app mentioned in the Getting Started section is for .europe and the app I have on my phone is .au - So I try modifying the endpoint URL to which gives me a different error message Incorrect password. You may have another 4 attempts of the day, please try again.

I have verified via java debugger that the password is correct (albeit complicated).

Has anyone had success with a non .europe account?
Has anyone had success with a complex password?


The ismart app filters out some characters from passwords. So the password send to the backend may not be the one you actually entered. I have not implemented the same filtering algorithm, so I send the exact password, you specify. Could you try to change your password in the official app to something without special characters?

Regarding non-europe accounts. I know of no-one to have tried it yet (Except you 😄). If you manage to get it working with your password, I will gladly make the endpoint URL configurable. I can't test it myself for obvious reasons 😎.

Okay - I got it to work, your tip RE filtering the password (to alpha numeric) was the reason for success. Turns out I can't change my password (i guess because the app doesn't filter the password during the validate step of changing your password - i guess i have to manually filter it to change it? 🤣)

I get a bunch of output, with 26 The remote control instruction failed, please try again later. and a final output with a bunch of vehicle stats. That feels like success.


More success - I got MQTT up and running by adding the filtering to the password applicationData.setPassword(saicPassword.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z0-9]", "")); and specifying the SAIC URI.
The MQTT does poll quite often - is there any 12V battery concerns?


The mqtt Gateway stops polling 10 minutes after the engine is shut out and the car is not charging anymore. As soon as the car starts, the car actively sends a engine start notification, which wakes up the mqtt poller.

I have this running since October and have no problems with draining the 12v battery. But your mileage voltage may vary. 🤓

Originally posted by @tisoft in #13 (comment)

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