
Create Your Frisk can’t be opened on Mac

Closed this issue · 4 comments

rbxq commented

I'm on an M1 mac Monterey, and I get this popup whenever i try to open CreateYourFrisk for mac.

It's most likely because CYF doesn't have a permission to be opened on your computer.

Try to open a command prompt in the same folder as CYF and run those command lines:

sudo chmod +x "Create Your Frisk 0.6.5.app"
sudo chmod +x "Create Your Frisk 0.6.5.app/Contents/MacOS/Create Your Frisk 0.6.5"

with "Create Your Frisk 0.6.5.app" being the name of the CYF executable, change it to the name yours has if needed.

If you get this error, it means you haven't used the right name for CYF's app in the two command lines I sent you...

Could I please get a screenshot of the folder which has CYF in it?

rbxq commented

Sorry, ive got it now, im just mildly incompetent.

how do you "open a command prompt"