
# of items per page setting is ignored after changing # of page links setting

Closed this issue · 2 comments

In the most recent example with pagination (https://rhoinc.github.io/viz-library/examples/0020-webcharts-table/example.html) there appears to be a bug with the # of items per page setting.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Leave "# of items per page" set to 10 and change "# of page links" to 4.
  2. Hit "Enter" for the changed setting to take affect.
  3. Click the ">" icon to go to the next page.
  4. You should see that there are no longer only 10 items displayed on the page.

The "# of items per page" setting appears to work as you flip between pages until you change the page links setting.

I see similar behavior when changing the # of page links page setting as well.

Bug was in code for the example (not for webcharts). Example is fixed now, so closing this issue as invalid (since no code was changed in webcharts)