
Development board for the Lattice iCE40 HX1K FPGA


氷雨 - IceStorm

Development board for the Lattice iCE40 HX1K FPGA


  • 8 LEDs
  • 8 Switches
  • On board Oscillator
  • 128K SRAM
  • 44 available IO on header pins

It allows 3 modes of operation:

  1. Configuring from SPI flash memory
  2. Configuring from an external SPI master device such as a Raspberry Pi (3.3V!)
  3. Programming the SPI flash memory from an external SPI master device

Binaries can be built with the IceStorm toolchain or the official Lattice tools.


  • GNDPLL is connected to Ground. Using the PLLs might cause issues.
  • For FPGA configuration from SPI flash SS and CS_FLASH must be connected.
    Fix: Don't place R5 and put a jumper between SS1 and SS2 when FPGA should configure from SPI flash.