
JS Interface fails without Error

khrome83 opened this issue · 2 comments

I am trying to use the JS interface, but I get a failure without any error.

		const emitter = degit(args.repo, {
			cache: false,
			force: true,
			verbose: true,

In this case args.repo is a valid user/repo path for GitHub. I can validate it works by running the CLI degit user/repo without any issue.

Adding the following results in zero messaging being displayed.

		emitter.on('info', (info: DegitMessage) => {

		emitter.on('warn', (info: DegitMessage) => {

Any code below the emitter seems to work, so it's not killing the file processing, it just does nothing.

DegitMessage is just a ts interface I made.

When outputting the emitter to the console, I get the following -

Degit {
  _events: [Object: null prototype] {},
  _eventsCount: 0,
  _maxListeners: undefined,
  src: 'user/repo',
  cache: false,
  force: true,
  verbose: true,
  proxy: undefined,
   { site: 'github',
     user: 'user',
     name: 'repo',
     ref: 'master',
     url: '',
     ssh: '',
     subdir: undefined,
     mode: 'tar' },
  mode: 'tar',
  _hasStashed: false,
   { clone: [AsyncFunction: clone],
     remove: [Function: bound remove] } }

Can you create a repro?

@khrome83 What do you mean by JS interface? Javascript doesn't have Interfaces, AFAIK