
Project abandoned? Checkout community driven fork!

nake89 opened this issue · 0 comments

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Why fork?

  • degit was last released over a year ago Feb 5, 2020, and Rich is not answering messages here.
  • We want pull requests merged. E.g. like automatically working with main or other default branch (has been merged!).
  • Update dependencies.
  • Hopefully get multiple active maintainers.

What has been fixed?

  • Works with main or any default branch automatically. #243
  • --mode=git with private repos now work on Windows #191.
  • degit --help now works. Previously it would crash instead of displaying contents. #179
  • --mode=git is now faster. #171
  • Tests are working.
  • Added support for privately hosted git repositories (#10)

It might be time to move on.

If you want to use the fork. Simply run:

npm uninstall -g degit
npm install -g tiged

Then you can just use it like you used to. degit username/repo my-app. You don't need to write tiged (it doesn't even work with that name).

I will be going through existing pull requests here and merging them and updating the progress here. I am also interested in moving from Travis CI to Github Actions. The Travis CI here doesn't seem to work. And from what I gather Travis CI is so slow nowadays (after it was bought by a venture capitalist). I have moved my own projects over to Github Actions and I am so much happier (works way faster).

I am looking for people to help maintain this repository with me. Any help is welcome.
When or if Rich Harris becomes active again on this repository, I am willing to give him control of tiged repository or merge tiged to this.

BTW I love Svelte! If you haven't checked it out. It is Rich Harris' other famous project.