
Require Node LTS instead of Node 8

iHDeveloper opened this issue · 2 comments

Node 8 became unsupported by the node team in 2020 and many libraries started using features from node 14 and above. hence why building this project on Node 8 fails.

I think upgrading the node requirement on this project to Node 14 (LTS) will help keep this project healthy and continue being used by a lot of other libraries.

Hi @iHDeveloper
Builds have to be done with Node 10+, but degit runs fine with Node 8.
I don't see the benefit necessarily in making this project incompatible with older systems.
I maintain a more fully featured version of degit, with numerous PRs merged and other features added.
I am curious why I should update the minimum required version? I don't think support for Node 8 necessarily makes the project less healthy. But I am open to be convinced otherwise. Thank you :)

Hello o/

I took a look at the project and saw that Node 8 builds are failing completely because most libraries aren't supporting Node 8 anymore. So, I thought of suggesting the upgrade from 8 to LTS 😅.

Since there's no necerssarily benefit of the upgrade, I'm thinking of making a pull request to enable Node 10 build (even if Node 8 failed) and add other builds for Node 14, and 16. What do you think?