

hinell opened this issue ยท 6 comments

The repo probably needs to be archived.

There is alternative for it git clone --no-tags --depth 1 --single-branch --branch=main <repo url>

Another alternative is gitget.
Can even download npm packages.

@hinell @yandeu does any of the above mentioned options support git submodules?

The current best alternative is this one:

"a community driven fork of degit because it isn't being maintained"

hinell commented
nake89 commented

I am the maintainer of tiged, which was mentioned above. I highly recommend it. It is a fork of degit, which has all serious bugs fixed and some features added. It is backwards compatible with degit. The latest version was released today.

To quote the tiged readme (these are only some of the change. Read changelog for all changes):

What has been fixed?

  • Works with main or any default branch automatically. #243
  • --mode=git with private repos now work on Windows #191.
  • degit --help now works. Previously it would crash instead of displaying contents. #179
  • --mode=git is now faster. #171
  • Github Actions CI tests working. Added Github Actions badge and removed old CI badges.
  • Added support for privately hosted git repositories (#10)
  • GitLab works again. #18
  • Subdir works in --mode=git #19
  • Subgroups work in GitLab #24
  • Hashes work with git mode #34
  • Using full async + cjs (no build needed) #41
  • Option to not use cache #36

It might be time to move on.
