
ctx is attached with a deadline is exceeded: context deadline exceeded

malk2013 opened this issue · 1 comments

i am on Windows 8 with golang env installed , I have cloned the go-oauth2-server , i have postgresql latest installed , now i run fo-oauth2-server migrate it i sshowing me error "*ctx is attached with a deadline is exceeded: context deadline exceeded"
I have created "go-oauth2-server" DB and user through pgadmin3 , what extra steps i have to take .
I want to run this and test it locally first which later will be deployed as microservice on docker

Please help

I was getting that same error and it's because I didn't have etcd running. have you run etcd and have you loaded the config? Also make sure that you can grab the config from the key etcdctl get /config/go_oauth2_server.json