
password grant type

Closed this issue · 5 comments

pjebs commented

Thanks @RichardKnop for the package.

I was wondering if the password grant type was a future feature or actually implemented?

@pjebs It is implemented. Implicit, client credentials, password credentials and authorisation grants are all implemented.

pjebs commented

Is it easy to get running with mysql?

Should be quite easy, there is no SQL, all database comms is handled via orm which supports all major RDBSs.

pjebs commented

One of the reasons I wasn't sure was because the entire project has a dependency for the postgres driver.

Is there a possibility you will remove the gorilla context package as a dependency from the dep file?
(replace it with Go context)

@pjebs You might contribute with a PR to use the core library context instead of gorilla. This was written before that was available.