
Submodule maybe?

stkim1 opened this issue · 4 comments

It would be handy if you could submodule the referred repositories so one can pull them altogether in one go.

subtree is rather copyright invasive that I'd not look into it though.

As it is, it should be relatively easy to pull them all; just copy and paste them into a list and use xargs with git clone. I'm not sure that doing more than listing them is something I want to do, though.

Wouldn't submoduling them mean I would need to keep updating this repo? I don't want to do that more than I have to.

ewnd9 commented

I use the following script for updating repos in the same directory where the script is stored. Hope it will help, but you need to clone them manually first


DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"

for i in $(ls); do
  if [ -d "$DIR/$i/.git" ]
    cd "$DIR/$i"
    BRANCH="$(git symbolic-ref --short -q HEAD)"
    git pull origin $BRANCH
    cd ..

@ewnd9 Thanks a ton! That's nice of you!

@RichardLitt First of all, I appreciate your time to put together this mega-awesome list. I'd imagine you'd have spent a good chunk of your time to colllect, read, & edit the materials to present. No complains, only appreciation. My issue is not really an issue per se. It's close to a suggestion, so to speak.

As far as I reckon, meta lists such as awesome- series are there to provide convenience of time and cognitive overhead reduction to potential readers. If you could, at least, add @ewnd9's script to somewhere in, that might be a smooth step forward.

Anyway, Thanks for the list 👍

I'd imagine you'd have spent a good chunk of your time to colllect, read, & edit the materials to present.

Not too much - I just saw that people weren't consistent in looking for others, so I tried to make one that makes it easier.

My issue is not really an issue per se. It's close to a suggestion, so to speak.

Issues on GitHub can be enhancements. :)

I'll link to the script. thanks for the suggestion.