
Problems on initial mr update

bertenvdb opened this issue · 2 comments

I can't seem to clone my dotfiles on a new host.

Steps followed:

  • vcsh clone gitlab:dotfiles/mr.git
  • symlinking wanted repos
  • cd
  • mr update

mr update generates this error (for all repos):

vcsh: error: '.bashrc' exists.

Further mr update commands generate:

error: Untracked working tree file '.bashrc' would be overwritten by merge.

On the host where I created the repos, I can update/push/pull/clone without any problems. This is the first time I am moving my dotfiles to a new host.
I read issue #150 about the same problem, but can't seem to understand why it wouldn't be normal to have existing files I want to replace by the ones in my dotfile repos. Most software install default config/rc files, so I must be doing something wrong or maybe I am misinterpreting the full vcsh/mr concept...
In my example repo bash, there's already a .bashrc file present. Do I need to delete this before I run mr update?

vcsh 1.20141026
git version 2.1.4

I think I will need to account for this in a future release. It's not something I designed for as I thought it would confuse users. Seems that's also the case with existing functionality, so...

Anyway, to fix your current issue, simply mv ~/.bashrc ~/bashrc.backup and you're good to go.

I openend #190 to track this.