
Global .gitignores is not honored

NightMachinery opened this issue · 2 comments

I have set a global ignore file. It is honored by normal repos:

$ git check-ignore --verbose --no-index --non-matching '.#sth'
/Users/evar/.gitignore_global:14:.\#*	.#sth

But not by vcsh:

$ vcsh .shells check-ignore --verbose --no-index --non-matching ~'/scripts/zsh/.#load-first.zsh'
::	/Users/evar/scripts/zsh/.#load-first.zsh

Where are you configuring that file, @NightMachinary? In ~/.gitconfig:core.ignoresFile? Because that is overridden by vcsh for each repository (see write-gitignore), and there seems to be no way to have a global version in addition to a per-repo.

I think this falls in roughly the same box as #267. Normal Git repositories and VCSH managed repositories are in different castles. Per my comment there it's also quite possible for that to be a good thing: normal Git usage may want to ignore files that are tracked by VCSH.

If I'm missing something here or the current options for $VCSH_GITIGNORE are lacking somehow please feel free to comment again and I'll re-evaluate. For now the way I see it I can't justify why trying to use the same ignore chain would be a good thing.