
Update published code to support bevy 0.9

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Currently adding bevy_console 0.4 to a cargo file using bevy 0.9 results in this rust-analyzer message:

Previously selected package `notify v5.0.0-pre.15`
    ... which satisfies dependency `notify = "=5.0.0-pre.15"` of package `bevy_asset v0.8.1`
    ... which satisfies dependency `bevy_asset = "^0.8.0"` of package `bevy_internal v0.8.0`
    ... which satisfies dependency `bevy_internal = "^0.8.0"` of package `bevy v0.8.0`
    ... which satisfies dependency `bevy = "^0.8.0"` of package `bevy_console v0.4.0`
    ... which satisfies dependency `bevy_console = "^0.4.0"` of package `debug_tools v0.0.2 

and the page shows the last update as 4 months ago.

Yes does not have the current version of this crate, unfortunately I do not have the rights to release it only @brandon-reinhart and the original owner do.

I've now gotten the token, happy to report version 0.5.0 is now live

Thanks for this!

No problem! Happy to help