
Question: Isolating Code

warappa opened this issue · 3 comments


I'm currently evaluating ways of using scripts to transform data. These scripts would be hot-deployable at runtime.

One thing I found is Jint, a .NET JavaScript executor. But I'm also looking if it is possible to use C# for this and found your library.


As loading code at runtime is always risky, I'm looking for ways of locking down the scripts' abilities.
Eg. in Jint, there is a possibility to lock down .NET usage (eg. sebastienros/jint#275).

I was wondering if your library supports something like this too, so my question is:
Is isolating/locking down the C# scripts possible?

In full framework you can load the compilation and execution into a separate AppDomain. THat's no longer supported/recommended in .NET Core though.

Short answer: No not possible unless you do some sort of code scanning or you can insure that the host application runs in a limited security environment that doesn't have rights...

I was afraid this would be the outcome, but still thank you for taking the time to answer.

Timing is everything 😉

February I asked this question, today Steve Sanderson released the - experimental - DotNetIsolator.

If this gets in a stable state, this could be a perfect way for isolating C# code!