
How can I pass data from Component to html template

jingcleovil opened this issue · 2 comments

My goal is to declare CSS external path in my component and pass it to the html content.

<link href="${reactData.cssPath}" rel="stylesheet" />

Transmit render to string

Transmit.renderToString(RoutingContext, renderProps).then(({reactString, reactData}) => {

                let template = (
                        `<!doctype html>
                    <html lang="en-us">
                            <meta charset="utf-8">
                            <link rel="shortcut icon" href="/favicon.ico">
                             <link href="${reactData.cssPath}" rel="stylesheet" />
                            <div id="react-root">${reactString}</div>

                this.type = "text/html";
                this.body = Transmit.injectIntoMarkup(template, reactData, [`${webserver}/dist/client.js`]);


Is it posible?

Is there a reason you need to put it in reactData? Can't you set cssPath elsewhere and use it directly in the template?

My idea is on every set of components I have different CSS. Say Profile have specific CSS that I don't want to load with the other Pages.

Anyways, I will try your suggestion and make a config and map it depending on the URL.