
Simple mode

rwb196884 opened this issue · 5 comments

Great plugin, but having to manually select projects every time you want to switch is really tedious.

All I need is a 'simple mode' that:

  • for every project p in the solution s
  • for every reference r in p
  • if s contains a project q that builds r then switch r in p to q.

I just started to use this tool but that seems like a great idea! 🔥

Hi @RSuter - perhaps you could stub out the design a little and the community can get it implemented?

@RSuter, I would be interested in making this happen. Do you have any design stubbed out?

Personally i do no longer use this extension as it is too hard to develop (debigging vs etc) and it does not support .net core/standard. Im now working on a CLI with the same features (ATM: .net core/standard only):

But please create PRs. Or are you interested in taking over or helping backport this stuff to dnt?

@RSuter, I use this extension regularly, but for VS2017 only. I'm not sure what challenges would be presented with maintaining this extension for earlier versions of VS2017, or if those should just be left as-is since DNT is in the works.

I think I could take over this extension and work towards backporting it.

Regardless, in the meantime, I'll keep creating PRs.

@SmeeK153 most of the functionality is generalized so that it also works for older VS versions... The idea of dnt is to be independent of VS and make it easier testable and also CI/CD usable... The general NuGetReferenceSwitcher functionality is already implemented for .NET Core/Standard but if people want to use it with "older" projects, we need to move the logic from here to the new project.

Yes, please create PRs in the meantime. Last time i had problems publishing the ext to the gallery, but i'll figure it out as soon as your PRs are in :-). Thanks