Newest version ( triggers Antivirus
Closed this issue · 7 comments
Both MS and Fsecure trigger on the newest executable
i know how to disable my AV, but it shouldnt trigger in the first place (and other versions didnt trigger)
Both the Racedepartment as the Github version trigger
The only way to circumvent this is by paying $250-300 a year for a EV Code License.
If you want to scan the file, check out
Also let me remind you that F-Secure and some other anti-virus systems are using a machine learning algorithm for detecting threats..
The code is open-source.. so anyone can check out what has changed, compile the app and compare the SHA256 HASH..
As for the differences between and
Its not meant as a complaint; i know how to fix this and i trust your builds and value your quick replies.
Reason i'm posting it as an issue is that i've discovered that not everybody on Racedepartment (or anywhere else online) is computer savvy and might be scared away by the trigger.
@ImagineerNL I could include some warning on racedepartment in the mod description