
CITS3002 networks project

Primary LanguageJava

Trustcloud (Networks project)


  • Eliot Courtney (21141563)
  • Ridge Shrubsall (21112211)

Partner team:

  • Joseph Dunne (20939027)
  • Izaak Sultan (21134597)


Build instructions

  • Build the project using make.
  • The server can be run using ./server.sh [port].
  • The client can be run using ./client.sh [options].


  • The client can work with X.509 certificates and PKCS#8 keys generated by OpenSSL (see res/scripts/createKeys.sh) or by the included ./keyCreate.sh utility.
  • Running ./test.sh performs some basic functionality tests.
  • Running ./testVouch.sh constructs an example trust graph for checking that the ring verifier works.

Other notes

  • res/ contains some example data files (text and images).
  • users/ contains certificates and keys for nine example users.
  • The client/server protocol is documented in protocol.txt.
  • When vouching for a file using ./client.sh -v <filename> <certname>:
    • The client expects to find a private key file named <certname>.key.
    • The file being vouched for needs to exist locally with the same name.