
Check windows compatibility before 1.0 release

RiedleroD opened this issue · 8 comments

I just want to see if it works, only major bugs will be fixed, but all bugs I encounter will be recorded.

Also, I don't have windows right now, so I'll ask someone else to try it while recording the screen.

Can I handle it?

Sure. The project is kinda slow rn though since I'm busy with school, but I'll get back to it in december or so. You can report any issues (or fix them, even) while I'm busy though.

When i start the project i get stuck in this screen, i tryed to press those buttons but anything happens. Is there anything I forgot?


This screen is the only one, you should be able to select any Algorithm from the list (Bubble Sort is selected by default), and shuffle or reverse the list with the shuffle/reverse buttons. You should also be able to start the selected algorithm by pressing "Sort". Most algorithms don't actually do anything if the list isn't shuffled though.
Also, can you please tell me the resolution of your monitor? I think the UI is a little cramped because of that. Also wtf the text looks ugly af. Maybe Text antialiasing doesn't work? I'll have to investigate.

I'll also release a new patch shortly where some information is printed into the console (cmd in your case) that I want you to copy paste into here. Because I've got a slight feeling that windows is giving the program incorrect screen resolution again.

ok the new version is in the master branch, the only difference should be various messages. Please paste the actual resolution of your monitor and the output of BASAV into here.

I may have found the problem, I remove the line 322 window.maximize() and the program is working pretty well!
Then I inserted it and noticed that the buttons coordinates are not well mapped with the graphical buttons. If I try to press around this yellow box I can select the buttons. Btw, in any situation the visualization is fine!
How do you manage the sounding? I would like to do the same in my project using pygame but i dont know if its possible.


wtf ok, I'm going to investigate this some time later this week. No idea what could be causing the problem, aside from windows telling the program crap again... But idk yet.

How do you manage the sounding? I would like to do the same in my project using pygame but i dont know if its possible.

pygame doesn't have a sound system, pyglet does. No idea what other libraries you would use for playing back sound, but good luck finding one.