
Please help with i18n

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello Rimco,
I need your for help with OSPy. I redid some things in OSPy system and added lots of new features, including language (i18n). I have a problem with one thing:
Fail mi to translate some strings (example such as months in editing program or list existing of programs). Each plugin also has support for i18n (I am translating all plugins to Czech language), but in the plugin status window is strings are translated only sometimes (I noticed that after start-up plugins everything is fine, but after some time everything is English only).
Please help my with code i18n in my OSPy fork. Thanks in advance for any help. My fork version is a clone of you, but modified. Please try installing OSPy from my OSPy version and you see what all I added (hopefully for the better). Unlike me, you Python expert and understand work (I am the user who is still learning. I am beginner programing in Python)
OSPy: https://github.com/martinpihrt/OSPy
plugins: https://github.com/martinpihrt/OSPy-plugins-temp, https://github.com/martinpihrt/OSPy-plugins-core

Thank you very much
Best regards

I remembered:
In all HTML outputs is all strings translated correct but not translated string here:
program 2
and all plugins status windows:
Thank you

Hi Rimco,
thank you, I've already incorporated all the changes in the API into my OSPy version.