
📝🚀 Rin Minase's AniDB using Preact with Vite and deployed to Netlify using Circle CI

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Rin Minase's Anime Database

Circle-CI Netlify-Status

David-DM David-DM

Angular Node


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Getting Started

Running the project

Installations Required:

  1. Clone the project and copy the ENV template file to a new ENV file.

    git clone https://github.com/RinMinase/anidb.git
    cd anidb
    cp .env.example .env
  2. Modify the created ENV file based on your Firebase configuration

  3. Install the dependencies then run the project

    yarn install
    yarn start
  4. Fire up your browser and go to localhost:3000

Building the project

Installations Required:

  1. Fire up your terminal inside the project folder.

  2. Build the project by running:

    yarn build
  3. This should generate a dist/ folder inside the project folder.

Code Scaffolding

This is using yarn ng generate <schematic> <name> command. This can be shortened to yarn ng g <schematic> <name>.


Project Structure

├── .circleci/                          # Circle CI configuration folder
├── assets/                             # Project assets
│   ├── config/                         # Project configurations
│   │   ├── manifest.json               # Web manifest file
│   │   ├── ngsw-config.json            # PWA Service Worker configuration file
│   │   ├── webpack.ts                  # Extended webpack configuration file
│   │   └── ...                         # Other configuration files
│   ├── res/                            # Platform-specific resources folder
│   └── ...                             # Other assets
├── dist/                               # Compiled production code
├── src/                                # Project source code
│   ├──<module-name>/                   # Project module
│   │   ├── <name>.component.html       # Component template
│   │   ├── <name>.component.scss       # Component stylesheet
│   │   ├── <name>.component.ts         # Module component
│   │   └── <name>.module.ts            # Module
│   ├── core/                           # Project-wide reusable classes
│   │   ├── builders/                   # Project builders
│   │   ├── components/                 # Project components
│   │   └── services/                   # Project services
│   ├── app.module.ts                   # Main module and project routes
│   ├── index.html                      # Main HTML file
│   ├── index.scss                      # Main Stylesheet (SCSS) file
│   └── index.ts                        # Main TypeScript file
├── .editorconfig                       # IDE / Editor configuration
├── .env                                # Environment file
├── angular.json                        # Angular CLI configuration
├── tsconfig.json                       # Main TypeScript configuration file
└── ...                                 # Other project files

Project tasks

Task automation is based on Yarn scripts or NPM scripts.

Task Description
yarn start Run development server on http://localhost:3000/ with file watching on changes
yarn start --prod Run production server on http://localhost:3000/ with file watching on changes
yarn build Build production code and add service worker to built code

Other tasks included in package.json that should not be executed manually:

Task Description
yarn deploy Build production code without displaying progress and add service worker to built code

Testing the project

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