
Quick navigation on Google with Shortkeys

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Quick Navigation on Google with ShortKeys

  1. Install Google Chrome extension Shortkeys
  2. Click on the ShortKeys menu and select "Options"
  3. Add a shortcut using the "Add shortcut" button.

A blank shortcut is available for use whenever you just installed the application

  1. Enter these settings below for the shortcut:
  • Shortcut: tab
  • Label: Result Picker or any other string of your choice
  • Behavior: Run JavaScript
  1. Expand the Shortcut you added by clicking the chevron > on the left side of the shortcut row

This would let you edit the Shortcut Settings and the Activation Settings

  • Active while in inputs: [checked]
  • Dropdown: Only on specific sites
  • Textarea: *.google.com*

JavaScript Code can also be seen in main.js in this repository

JavaScript Code:

const querySelector = 'div.yuRUbf a h3, div.usJj9c h3 a';
const searchResultsArray = Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(querySelector)).filter(node =>
document.selectedIndexInSearchResultsArray = 0;

function selectResult(newIndex) {
    document.selectedIndexInSearchResultsArray = newIndex;
    let link = findLinkByIndex(newIndex);

function findLinkByIndex(newIndex) {
    if (newIndex < 0 || newIndex >= searchResultsArray.length) {
        return  // future idea: modify for next/prev page

    let searchResult = searchResultsArray[newIndex];

    if (searchResult.parentNode.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
        return searchResult.parentNode;
    } else if (searchResult.nodeName.toLowerCase() === 'a') {
        return searchResult;
    } else {
        throw 'Expected an <a> with an embedded <h3> or an <h3> with an embedded <a> but instead got ' + searchResult;

document.onkeydown = function(event) {
    if (event.key === 'ArrowUp' || isVimUpKey(event.key)) {
        selectResult(document.selectedIndexInSearchResultsArray - 1);

    if (event.key === 'ArrowDown' || isVimDownKey(event.key)) {
        selectResult(document.selectedIndexInSearchResultsArray + 1);

    if (event.key === 'Enter') {
        let link = findLinkByIndex(document.selectedIndexInSearchResultsArray);
        let url = link.href;
        if (event.metaKey) {
            window.open(url, '_blank');
        } else {
            document.location = url;

function isVimDownKey(key) {
    let isDown = key === 'j' || key === 'J';
    return isDown && !inputTextBoxHasFocus();

function isVimUpKey(key) {
    let isUp = key === 'k' || key === 'K';
    return isUp && !inputTextBoxHasFocus();

// j and k should work normally if the user's typing in an input box
function inputTextBoxHasFocus() {
    return document.activeElement.type === 'text';

// when the plugin activates, select the first result