
Trying to create CIA

Closed this issue · 3 comments

When trying to use the "makerom" tool, the "rsf" file shows that there is an unrecoginized key.

C:\Users\Alex\Git-Stuff\Project_CTR\makerom>makerom -f cia -rsf C:\Users\Alex\Downloads\lpp-3ds_r4\Workarounds\cia_workaround.rsf -target t
[RSF ERROR] Unrecognised Key: 'ExeFs'
[RSF ERROR] Error Proccessing RSF file

Thanks for any help. Have a good one.

Probably it's caused by a newer version of makerom. Are you using the one provided in the repository?

@Rinnegatamante No. That's probably it. Thanks for the speedy reply.

@Rinnegatamante It worked. Thanks much.