
Problems With System.launch3DSX function.

Closed this issue · 14 comments

Whenever i try to load a .3DSX through lpp-3ds it comes out with two black screens.
I was just trying something out this morning and ran into this issue.
Help would greatly be appreciated!

what are you trying to launch with it?

What's your system? Does the 3DSX have a descriptor? (XML file)

Im trying to run a seperate lpp-3ds 3dsx i wrote, It just says Test.
No theres not an XML descriptor, and im on 9.2 O3DS

Is the 3DSX lua script dependent? If so, try to put it in SD root.

Yes, the 3DSX needs the lua script to run.
Ok i'll try it now

Nope, still two black screens :( @Rinnegatamante

Try to use the same function with a self-dependent 3DSX which doesn't need also an XML file to see if the problem is in launch3DSX itself.

@Rinnegatamante I think the problem is within launch3DSX , because i tried it with a .3dsx file that didnt use an XML file, and got the same result.

Are you using official R4 version?

a34b5bf was committed after the release of r4, so the one in r4 is broken.

I noticed that after mentioning the commit above that a new nightly was uploaded. maybe you could try it out? https://github.com/Rinnegatamante/lpp-3ds/blob/master/bin/lpp-3ds.3dsx

basically, System.launch3DSX() does not work (on *hax 2.5) in r4. this was fixed later on though (a34b5bf) and will end up in r5.

As @ihaveamac said, use the Nightly Build i recently uploaded. It should solve the problem.