
System.launch3DSX Freezes While launching

Closed this issue · 9 comments

Whenever i try to launch a .3DSX via lpp-3ds, it freezes the app, and doesent do anything past that point.

Are you using R5 or nightly build?

I tried with both R5 and the nightly build

Nightly build shouldn't have these problems. Does the 3dsx you're trying to launch have an XML descriptor?

No, i can try again with the nightly when i get home from work, i think i may have found my problem.

Just upgraded from R3 Safe to R5 nightly, and what i made isn't even showing up anymore. What changed that could've made my code not even show up?

There are no "r5" nightlies. Anyway, without seeing the code, i can't tell you where you're wrong.

Is the unsafe build not a nightly?
If you could link to it i would highly appreciate it

Alright thanks, i think i can get this to work now.