
SSL problem

Closed this issue · 5 comments

Trying to connect to a SSL server randomly causes "Failed creating SSL context". This error persists until you reboot your console. (Tried both with der certificate and without, same result).
Code: http://pastebin.com/jCuH4vzb

EDIT: This was caused by not calling Socket.Term() in some code paths, causing too many soc sessions to get initialized.

Are you using latest nightly? @ksanislo pushed several patches for SSL connection.

Bug confirmed in fc3e369

I've debugged the problem, and I found out that sslccreatecontext returns: D8A0B801
Level: LEVEL_PERMANENT (Program error where retries are not possible.)
Summary: SUMMARY_INVALID_STATE (State invalid. Might be initialised, or processing might be out of order.)
Description: ???? (1)
I asked someone for help and told me to add SOC_AddGlobalSocket as stated here.
It didn't have any effects tho.

@mariohackandglitch Is this happening when running as a .cia build, or as 3dsx? Can you test the other way as well?

This is happening in .cia build, and it seems to be causing ssl to be in some weird state until the 3ds restarts.