menuItem [[: subscript out of bounds error
ugurdar opened this issue · 4 comments
Hi there,
When I used old version (2.2.1) I haven't got this error but when I updated the package this error has occured.
Warning: Error in [[: subscript out of bounds
80: <Anonymous>
79: menuItem
71: home_page$ui
When I use this it's working.
packageurl <- ""
install.packages(packageurl, repos=NULL, type="source")
My sidebar function is:
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
minified = TRUE,
sidebarMenu(id = ns('tabs'),
menuItem('Bank Deep Dive', tabName = 'bank_deep_dive',
icon = NULL,# Icon can added
selected = TRUE,
menuItem('Bank Information',
tabName = 'bank_info'
menuItem('Assets & Liabilities',
tabName = 'assets_liabilities'
menuItem('Income & Expense',
tabName = 'income_expense'),
menuItem('Additional Schedules',
tabName = 'additional_schedules'),
tabName = 'demographics'),
menuItem('Branch Network',
tabName = 'branch_network'),
menuItem('Performance & Condition',
tabName = 'performance_condition'),
menuItem('Credit Quality',
tabName = 'credit_qualities'),
tabName = 'contacts_bankdeepdive')
menuItem('Bank Comparison', tabName = 'bank_comparison',
icon = NULL),
menuItem('Bank Ranking', tabName = 'bank_ranking',
menuItem('Deposit Utilization ',
tabName = 'deposit_util'),
menuItem('Deposit Composition',
tabName = 'deposit_comp'),
menuItem('Net Interest Margin',
tabName = 'ranking_nim'),
menuItem('Deposit Efficiency',
tabName = 'deposit_eff'),
menuItem('Banks/Call Reports', tabName = 'bankcall_rep',
menuSubItem('First Mortgages',
tabName = 'first_mort',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Home Equity Loans',
tabName = 'home_eq',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Credit Card Portfolios',
tabName = 'creditcard_port',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Adjusted Nonperforming Loan Ratios',
tabName = 'nonper_ratio',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Noninterest Income Ratio',
tabName = 'nonint_inc',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Largest C&I Loans',
tabName = 'ci_loans',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Return on Average Assets',
tabName = 'roa',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Return on Average Equity',
tabName = 'roe',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Net Income to Salary and Benefits',
tabName = 'netinc_salary',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Largest Portfolios of Loans and Leases',
tabName = 'lnl_port',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Most Assets',
tabName = 'most_assets',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Most Deposits',
tabName = 'most_deposits',
icon = NULL),
tabName = 'securities',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Largest Portfolios of Mortgage-Backed Securities',
tabName = 'mbs',
icon = NULL)
menuItem('Bank Holding Company Financials', tabName = 'bankhold',
icon = NULL,
menuSubItem('Credit Card Loans Portfolios',
tabName = 'creditcard_loan',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Business Loan Portfolios',
tabName = 'bus_loan',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Consumer Loan Portfolios',
tabName = 'cons_loan',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Loan/Deposit Ratios Among Bank Holding Companies',
tabName = 'ldr',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Largest Commercial Real Estate Loan Portfolios',
tabName = 're_loans',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Most Employees',
tabName = 'num_emp',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Most Efficient Bank Holding Companies',
tabName = 'efficient',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Small-Business Loan Balances',
tabName = 'small_bus',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Most Profitable Banks',
tabName = 'profitable',
icon = NULL)
menuItem('U.S. Banks Macro View', tabName = 'macroviews',
icon = NULL,
menuSubItem('Summary Balance Sheet & Income Statement',
tabName = 'sum_tab',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Frequency Table',
tabName = 'freq_tab',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Summary Bar',
tabName = 'sum_graph',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Summary Line',
tabName = 'sum_linegraph',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Core Deposit',
tabName = 'coredep',
icon = NULL)
menuItem('Modeling and Analytics', tabName = 'modeling',
icon = NULL)
When I commented this part it's also working but I didn't understand where it comes from.
menuItem('Bank Holding Company Financials', tabName = 'bankhold',
icon = NULL,
menuSubItem('Credit Card Loans Portfolios',
tabName = 'creditcard_loan',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Business Loan Portfolios',
tabName = 'bus_loan',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Consumer Loan Portfolios',
tabName = 'cons_loan',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Loan/Deposit Ratios Among Bank Holding Companies',
tabName = 'ldr',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Largest Commercial Real Estate Loan Portfolios',
tabName = 're_loans',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Most Employees',
tabName = 'num_emp',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Most Efficient Bank Holding Companies',
tabName = 'efficient',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Small-Business Loan Balances',
tabName = 'small_bus',
icon = NULL),
menuSubItem('Most Profitable Banks',
tabName = 'profitable',
icon = NULL)
Like for {shinydashboard}
, the menuItem()
function has been thought to accept menuSubItem()
. In the above example, sometimes, you pass in other menuItem()
which likely fails.
From a practical point of view, do you need all these menus? This seems to be a lot from a UX perspective and I am afraid end users can get lost. I would perhaps merge few items together and create sub-sections directly in the dashboard body.
As another alternative, {bs4Dash}
2.3.0 (CRAN) supports navbar menus with unlimited nested structure:
tabs <- tabItems(.list = lapply(1:7, function(i) {
tabItem(tabName = sprintf("Tab%s", i), sprintf("Tab %s", i))
ui = dashboardPage(
header = dashboardHeader(
id = "navmenu",
navbarTab(tabName = "Tab1", text = "Tab 1"),
navbarTab(tabName = "Tab2", text = "Tab 2"),
text = "Menu",
dropdownHeader("Dropdown header"),
navbarTab(tabName = "Tab3", text = "Tab 3"),
text = "Sub menu",
dropdownHeader("Another header"),
navbarTab(tabName = "Tab4", text = "Tab 4"),
dropdownHeader("Yet another header"),
navbarTab(tabName = "Tab5", text = "Tab 5"),
text = "Sub sub menu",
navbarTab(tabName = "Tab6", text = "Tab 6"),
navbarTab(tabName = "Tab7", text = "Tab 7")
body = dashboardBody(tabs),
controlbar = dashboardControlbar(
inputId = "controller",
label = "Update the first tabset",
min = 1,
max = 4,
value = 1
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(disable = TRUE)
server = function(input, output, session) {
observeEvent(input$controller, {
inputId = "navmenu",
selected = paste0("Tab", input$controller)
ignoreInit = TRUE
Any news about the old behaviour where menuItem accepted other menuItems?
I have not a so complicated sidebar as the first example but looks better than using navbar
id = 'sidebarmenu',
flat = FALSE,
compact = TRUE,
legacy = FALSE,
menuItem(tabName = 'about', text = 'About', icon = icon('circle-info')),
text = 'My apps',
icon = icon('bars'),
text = 'App 1',
icon = icon('arrow-right'),
menuSubItem(tabName = 'app1-1', text = 'App 1-1', icon = icon('arrow-right')),
menuSubItem(tabName = 'app1-2', text = 'App 1-2', icon = icon('arrow-right')),
menuSubItem(tabName = 'app1-3', text = 'App 1-3', icon = icon('arrow-right'))
text = 'App 2',
icon = icon('arrow-right'),
menuSubItem(tabName = 'app2-1', text = 'App 2-1', icon = icon('arrow-right')),
menuSubItem(tabName = 'app2-2', text = 'App 2-2', icon = icon('arrow-right')),
menuSubItem(tabName = 'app2-3', text = 'App 2-3', icon = icon('arrow-right'))
Same problem here:
# UI ----------------------------------------------------------------------
ui <- dashboardPage(
#dark = T,
header = dashboardHeader(title = "Test Shiny"),
sidebar = dashboardSidebar(
inputId = "sidebarState",
skin = "dark",
id = "sidebar",
menuItem(text = "Home",tabName = "home"),
menuItem(text = "CDG", tabName = "cdg",
menuItem(text = "Variabili Produttive",tabName = "VP",
menuItem(text = "VP Domanda",tabName = "vp_domanda",
menuSubItem(text = "a",tabName = "vp_domanda_a"),
menuSubItem(text = "b",tabName = "vp_domanda_b"),
menuSubItem(text = "c",tabName = "vp_domanda_c")),
menuItem(text = "VP Offerta",tabName = "vp_offerta")),
menuItem(text = "Indicatori",tabName = "indic"))
body = dashboardBody()
# Server ------------------------------------------------------------------
server <- function(input, output) {
# Run App -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Run the application
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
Error in subItems[[i]] : subscript out of bounds
The catch is that if I run the same code with shinydashboard instead of bs4Dash it runs flawlessly.
I'm still using version 2.2.1