
Error in version 2.3.0 but not 2.2.1: 'Uncought error: cannot call methods on tooltip prior to initialization'

Greacusje opened this issue · 1 comments

I am not an expert programmer, but i found that after updating from bs4Dash 2.2.1 to 2.3, my apps did not seem to react anymore (they did load, but nothing responded to input), while giving no errors or warnings whatsoever. After trying many things, i found the browser gave an error: 'Uncought error: cannot call methods on tooltip prior to initialization'.

I read it has something to do with the order of a jQuery thing of which i do not know anything. But reverting to version 2.2.1. fixed the issue for me.

Since i do not know if this is an issue specific to me, i thought i would give you guys a heads-up.

Love the bs4Dash package though!

I also noticed this bug when I wanted to play around with tooltips. The workaround I found was to set dashboardPage(help = NULL, ...). I cannot provide a minimum example because whenever I try to create one, things just work. So it's some combination of UI elements/Shiny structure and the help switch. My general app structure is that I use shinymanager around a bs4Dash page which includes several tabItems. Each tabItems is included as a Shiny module. Besides some standard Shiny widgets I mostly use some elements from shinyWidgets, DT tables, and plotly plots.