Icon not displayed in reconnect / reload toaster
Closed this issue · 1 comments
Thanks for providing a very nice package!
I'm having the issue that the bolt icon is not displayed when there is a disconnect and the RECONNECT
toaster comes up. Instead the name bolt_fill
shows up in really big font (see screenshot attached).
I'm having the same issue both locally (forcing a disconnect) and on shinyapps.io and on heroku. In all cases, version 0.9.1 is used. I have also confirmed that the icon does exist, because I can use it in other elements.
Here is a minimal example:
ui = f7Page(
title = "",
navbar = f7Navbar(title = ""),
actionButton("kill", "Kill me!")
server = function(input, output) {
observeEvent(input$kill, { stop() })
If I start this app in the browser and then press the button, the bolt icon will not display properly, as described above.
This is due to missing dependencies:
The JS code responsible for the notification does not ship f7 icon deps if there is no icon in the page. I should add a check to avoid this situation.