
uninitialized constant Chef::Artifact::DATA_BAG_NEXUS with chef's class_from_file

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uninitialized constant Chef::Artifact::DATA_BAG_NEXUS

Cookbook Trace:
  /tmp/chef/cookbooks/artifact/libraries/chef_artifact_nexus_configuration.rb:12:in `from_data_bag'
  /tmp/chef/cookbooks/artifact/resources/file.rb:32:in `class_from_file'

Relevant File Content:

  5:          def from_data_bag
  6:            environment = unless Chef::Config[:solo]
  7:              Chef::Node.load(Chef::Config[:node_name]).chef_environment
  8:            else
  9:              nil
 10:            end
 12>>           config = Chef::Artifact.data_bag_config_for(environment, Chef::Artifact::DATA_BAG_NEXUS)
 13:            if config.nil? || config.empty?
 14:              Chef::Log.debug "No Data Bag found for NexusConfiguration."
 15:              nil
 16:            else
 17:              new(config['url'], config['repository'], config['username'], config['password'], config['ssl_verify'])
 18:            end
 19:          end
 20:        end

Annoying load order issue or something - doesn't know to load the definition of chef::artifact.

Only started occuring when I upgraded to berkshelf 3.0 :/

Nevermind, someone had forked the the cookbook and the load order went stupid.