
UAV gunner view is off-center

Opened this issue · 1 comments

From the BI-Forums:

The little PiP thing with the UAV feed does not seem to properly represent the center of the camera's view. Gunner wanted to show me something but my PiP was way off. (my settings were maxed out)

I ran some tests, but I couldn't find the UAV feed to be off center. Perhaps the camera direction of the UAV model or the position of the UAV had not been updated due to network lag or a large distance between the player and the UAV (increased distance seems to slow down positional updates).

I find that the UAV PiP for both the driver and the gunner view doesn't show the correct aspect ratio. Unfortunately changing the aspect ratio of the render surface texture does not have an effect on the aspect ratio. Looks like the actual surface needs to have a 16:9 aspect ratio to properly display. Something to address when updating the tablet UI. Now #132.