
Suggestion to Integrate Client Wallet with Ledger

Opened this issue · 1 comments

I'd suggest that your team write code to integrate your client-side wallets with the Ledger hardware wallets.  You should be able to fork the code from the Ark project.  A member of the Ark Team wrote code to integrate the Ark platform with the Ledger Nano S and Ledger Blue products.  Through an arrangement with Ledger SAS, the integration of Ark with Ledger will be completed on 01-Sep through a Ledger firmware upgrade.  Until this point in time, the open source code in GitHub will remain without an official release.  Since Rise was forked from Ark, the Rise Team can fork this specialized integration code for the Ledger products, make any necessary changes to make it compatible with the Rise network, and work to offer the same solution to the Rise Community.

I've verified with a Moderator on the ArkEcosystem Reddit board that the Ledger hardware wallet will interact with the Ark desktop light client and sign all the transactions.  As such, Ark users can vote for Delegates and receive voting rewards with transactions signed by the cold Ledger wallet.  

I've provided some useful links below:

Code for Ark-Ledger Integration
Vagrant config to setup your Ledger Nano S development

My Conversation with a Presumed Ark Employee (as "crypto_critic" underscore instead of dash)

Thank you for reporting. I'll take a look :)