- This a newsletter-signup service application in which a user can signup and get any latest updates from the admin or authority.
- It is very useful for any startup or new product launching website as they need this feature for email marketing.
- If you need this service then simply mail me at dashrushikesh1121@gmail.com .
- HTML 5
- CSS 3
- Bootstrap 4
- Node with Express.js
- NPM package manager (In-built with Node.js)
- MailChimp API (Online Database Service)
- Some Coffee ☕
- Install Node.js.
- Validate the node and npm is properly installed or not.
node --version (Check the node version)
npm --version (Check the npm version)
- Fork this repository.
- Clone the repository using
git clone https://github.com/Rishi-121/Awesome-Newsletter-Signup.git
command. - Now open the terminal/command prompt and use npm to install express, nodemon and and body-parser 3rd-party packages.
npm i express (For page routing and local-server connectivity)
npm i nodemon (For auto-reload at every change)
npm i body-parser - For post-request
- Now run this application use
nodemon app.js
(nodemon activation command) ornode app.js
. - Get you own API key and list ID of Mailchimp API.
- Get all the email ids and names at Mailchimp Audience Dashboard.
- Real-time form-data access through Mailchimp Server