
Create JDK port for the app

RivanParmar opened this issue · 1 comments

A JDK port for Android is required for the app to be able to compile and run the code. The JDK should contain javac compiler along with the jshell. The javac compiler can compile Java code to byte code, while the jshell implements REPL, i.e., the "Read-Eval-Print-Loop". The REPL shall help the app to run Java code without having to compile it.

Modules to be included:
The following modules from the JDK should be present in the port along with the modules that these modules are dependent on:

  • java.compiler
  • jdk.compiler
  • jdk.jshell
  • jdk.zipfs

Currently the "nb-javac" has been added to the project that includes the java.compiler, jdk.compiler and the jdk.jdeps. As for jdk.zipfs, a standalone library has been added from GitHub. The jdk.jshell does not ship with the JRE (Java Runtime Environment) that is used by Android and hence, it cannot be added as such. Therefore, a custom implementation of the REPL shall be created specifically for the use of Android Playgrounds. Any help would be welcome!

(If someone finds a way to add the JShell to the app, then please do let us know either by reopening the issue or by creating a new issue.)