
ArcGIS Pro Version of RAVE Add-In

Opened this issue · 6 comments

With ESRI's rapidly approaching retirement of ArcGIS 10.X within the next year or two, we really need to look at providing an ArcPro release of RAVE. Unlike GCD, which has 40 some odd forms, RAVE one presumes is much simpler.

In the same way you did for QGIS, @philipbaileynar can you please scope the cost of this? Unlike GCD, I suspect the development costs for this would be much cheaper and we could find funding very soon for.

Amongst us, @tyler1218hatch has by far the most experience with ArcGIS pro. Perhaps @tyler1218hatch could help with some of the basic questions, like if *.lyr files work in same way.

Nothing a Goolge search doesn't address but a few resources useful for scoping:

FWIW... In my recent work to produce ArcRAVE 3.0 and 3.1 it has become patently clear that online resources for developing ArcGIS addins are becoming harder to find! I am referring to online pages describing the ArcGIS 10.x .Net object model and interfaces. ESRI is deliberately taking this resources offline or has moved them behind a pay wall. Either way, it is becoming increasingly hard to support AddIns for ArcGIS 10.x, probably by design!

FWIW... In my recent work to produce ArcRAVE 3.0 and 3.1 it has become patently clear that online resources for developing ArcGIS addins are becoming harder to find! I am referring to online pages describing the ArcGIS 10.x .Net object model and interfaces. ESRI is deliberately taking this resources offline or has moved them behind a pay wall. Either way, it is becoming increasingly hard to support AddIns for ArcGIS 10.x, probably by design!

Yes, I will be surprised if we do not make switch to ArcPro within the year. I am hoping and assuming that much of your dotnet code base will still work, but we should scope this and I will find funds.

Insights from Shannon:

My sense is that the vast majority of users outside the ivory towers have made the switch to Pro. Locally, I believe Biowest afforded to make the switch a year before I started even thinking (having nightmares) about it...
There just isn't a choice for all of us esri addicts any more. Pro is the future, ArcMap is the past, and the future started about a year ago.

As far as the switch, remember I teach intro and advanced GIS to newbies. My experience is with the warm fuzzy side of Arc. I don't interact with the stuff that esri works so hard to keep behind the scenes... 😕 I rely on the interface, which is, in my humble opinion:
so much more intuitive and loaded with a million more beautiful features than ArcMap had, especially on the cartography side of things.

They have invested our $$ on building new products and seamlessly integrating ex. Enterprise, AGOL, Drone2map, curated datasets, Collector, CityEngine, some of which are included in our site license, others will cost you another arm or leg... shocker.

Hopefully you are reaching out to Chris Garrard who can give you substantive feedback on the programming side of the switch to Pro, which will affect your transitions much more than the slick GUI side, right?

I heavily resisted the change. But I have yet to find any limitations or issues using Pro other than the constant issue of having too many tools that can be run with the click of a button - creating the false sense of success when the user has no idea what they are doing. But that's why I remain employed... to make sure we aren't churning out monkeys. No offense to monkeys.

Hope there was a glimmer of help in there.


@philipbaileynar, it looks like Samuel has some experience in making an ArcPro AddIn: https://github.com/EVS-GIS/Fluvial-Corridor-Toolbox-ArcGIS/tree/master/ArcGIS-Pro-2_1_1-2_5_1. It is interesting that his repository for the ESRI add-in is organized to have both the 10.x and Pro versions. I wonder if we can do something similar with ArcRAVE?